
Everything You Need to Know About Bloating

What causes it and how do you get rid of it

Everything You Need to Know About Bloating

Do you ever feel full even though you haven’t eaten? Does your belly look and feel bigger, despite eating the same portion sizes and exercising regularly?

If the answer to either of those questions was “yes,” then you are probably bloated.

When you’re bloated, your abdominal muscles become stressed and often your stomach can fill with excessive air, causing gas.

What Causes Bloating?

One of the main causes of bloating is unhealthy eating habits. And the biggest culprit? Wanna take guess? Yup, it’s salt.

Unfortunately, the more salt you eat, the more water your body requires. And the more water you drink, the more water weight your body retains.
Here’s another not so fun fact: Carbs also cause abdominal bloating. So, if you're eating lots of French fries, pastas, or breads your body will retain water.

Everyday food items you wouldn’t expect can often cause issues too. Chewing gum or extremely fatty foods like fast food can both cause bloating. Gum puts air in your stomach giving it a false ‘full’ sensation, and fatty foods take much longer to digest than protein rich foods. Both can lead to pain and discomfort, as well as that rounded belly look. 

How Can You Cure Bloating?

Eating slowly and steadily will stop you from taking in too much air with your food, which sometimes makes bloating worse. You should also try to avoid sparkling water and sodas too. Anything with an excessive amount of air is not your stomach’s BFF.

But you’ll be pleased to know that the best fix for bloating is simple, natural and even tasty. Eating foods like pineapples, bananas, watermelon or yogurt after your dinner can all help to debloat you. These foods are digestion aids. They are rich in potassium, which is a mineral that helps reduce water retention.

Start incorporating these powerful foods into your day, if you haven't already.
Snacking on these foods will take the pressure off your stomach, so the muscles in your digestive track can stay strong, and continue to work hard doing what they do best - digesting your food.
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